At Shonen Society, we're committed to keeping you fully updated about your order's journey. As soon as your order is processed and leaves our warehouse, you'll receive an email with a tracking number. This number is your direct link to watching your latest gear as it travels to your doorstep.

To track your package

Simply click on the tracking number provided in our email. This will direct you to the courier's website, where you can monitor real-time updates on the location of your order, its estimated arrival time, and receive any vital notification.

Need assistance?
If you encounter any issues with your delivery, we recommend contacting the courier directly for the fastest and most accurate resolution. However, if you need further help or have any other questions, our dedicated customer support team is ready to assist at We're here to assist with any concerns to ensure your shopping experience is seamless and enjoyable.

Thank you for choosing Shonen Society and for repping with us.